How brands can safeguard their reputation amid privacy violations on advertising platforms

Sep. 20, 2023 | By Zeotap

Data algorithms are always at work gathering information about users’ online activities across the various social networking platforms. These data insights go beyond tailoring content and delve into predicting users’ preferences and behaviours to present ads that are not just engaging but also enticing for purchases.

Businesses can yield highly personal revelations, extending from individual tastes and habits to even intimate details that construct a comprehensive profile, providing insights into a person’s personality and interests based on their online interactions.

However, the challenge arises when these intricate data profiles are utilised to shape Ad content without the users’ explicit consent. This raises concerns about privacy and ethical implications. While these practices offer the potential for advertisers to deliver more relevant content, the absence of user consent can lead to adverse effects. Users might find their online experiences invaded by ads that feel intrusive, irrelevant or even unsettling. The lack of control over how personal data is harnessed for advertising purposes can erode trust between users and the platforms they engage with. 



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