Attention Forum

Advertising works according to laws of attention. Media attention receives the most commentary, but creative has the highest stakes. Attention is a common metric that both media and creative can harness to help achieve people centric marketing outcomes. Attention is the necessary, connective thread across creative and media required to maximise advertising effectiveness and by association business results.

What is the business case for attention? How can attention metrics be used to bridge media and creative and inform marketer decision making? How does attention connect to sustainable growth and can drive marketing advantage?

The I-COM Attention Forum will look into parsing out the evolving landscape to provide practical and accessible strategies to adopt attention as a common metric.

To view and download the Forum's publications, click here:

The Great Rebundling: How attention is driving the orchestration of creative and media

Sarah Chaten

VP Insights & Analytics
Group Black

Oct. 15, 2024

11am New York | 17:00 Paris

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CMO, Vice President of Growth & Marketing
Realeyes, USA

Global Digital Marketing Effectiveness Innovation Director
Haleon, UK

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